The blue dodo
This statie of a dodo is richly decorated wtih Delft blue decorations and is a creation by artist Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk. The artwork is called De Blauwe Dodo (The Blue Dodo). At first glance, a dodo and Delft blue pottery seem to have nothing in common, but whoever digs further into the history will discover that there is indeed a connection. Pepijn likes to delve into the history of Asia and the Netherlands and combines old stories with special objects and impressions that he gains during his travels. That's how he ended up with the story of the dodo. An adorable bird that cannot fly and has virtually no natural enemies. Until the Dutch traders from the 17th century set foot on the island and seriously disrupted the habitat of this legendary bird. The animal is eaten, new enemies are introduced such as monkeys and pigs and a few dodos are taken on board to give as gifts to emperors or to be viewed as a curiosity. All this leads to the extinction of the dodo.
Dodo, the lonely time traveler
“The dodo has played a role in my work for a long time,” Pepijn says about the statue. “The fact that humans, especially the Dutch in the 17th century, contributed to the extinction of this cute bird makes me feel guilty. This is my way of giving something back to the dodo, by giving it eternal life. In my exhibition 'The Time Traveller' it appears that the legendary bird did not become extinct in the 17th century, but has been traveling ever since," says Pepijn. “The displaced dodo searches for others of its kind and a safe place to exist. He lives on because we continue to portray him in books, art and films.” Van Nieuwendijk sees himself in the tragic bird. “I didn't used to travel much or far, until I had to go to China for an assignment and a world opened up for me. The dodo also never left its island because it could not fly. Until suddenly he was taken away by sailors and so his journey began.”
Join the dodo adventure!
Follow the two Delft blue dodos on their adventures through the world of Heinen Delfts Blauw. Curious about what they experience and discover there? Keep an eye on our Instagram account for the latest updates from these two time travelers.
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