The white foggy strings linger over the meadows like graceful veils. The black earth beneath the grass is still warm from a series of summer days, and the blades of grass hang full of countless, glistening drops of morning dew. A sweet, heavy scent hangs in the air. The first orange rays of the sun poke holes in the ghostly wisps of fog that quickly flee from the approaching daylight, while the cows in the barn moo loudly in hopes of emptying their overflowing udders. In his sturdy boots, the farmer trudges past the brick shed in which the pigs root and grunt loudly, while his legs brush past the wildflowers and disturb a few busy bees in their morning ritual. The farm cat sleepily lifts its head upon hearing his master's voice, but immediately sinks back into its sunny spot against the wall. It is far too early to get up after a busy night hunting mice. With a large, weathered hand, the farmer strokes the head of the white dairy goat that follows him closely from the pasture. "First let's milk the cows, then it's your turn and after that.... finally a well-deserved cup of coffee!"

Cozy farm animals in Delft blue
This nostalgic image of the small-scale farm is only a memory in many places, but despite the changing landscape, farm life is still an important part of our Dutch culture. In a time when everything is moving faster and faster and life is also taking place much digitally, we consciously reach back to a place to unwind, to surround ourselves with nature and go back to our roots. This is one of the reasons why farm life still has enormous appeal to the Dutch today. Here the noise of everyday life is hushed, while the call of nature grows louder. This is how we come back to ourselves for a while. With this in mind, we have created a collection of home decorations in which typical farm animals of the Netherlands take center stage. Just a bunch of cozy farm animals in Delft blue.

Funny home decoration with animals
Of course, this ever-changing world is also felt by the farm animals of the Netherlands. They too have to adapt to their new living environment. This sometimes complicated theme of adaptation and change, is captured in a light-hearted and funny way by illustrator Redmer Hoekstra. Especially for Heinen Delfts Blauw he developed a collection of porcelain wall art depicting our beloved and recognizable animals, but this time with human traits and unusual means of transportation. The longer you look at the illustrations, the more you see hidden in the drawings, such as a fish on dry land, a pig wearing a jacket or bunnies holding the reins.

Spotting little birds on home decoration
In addition to farm animals, birds are also a recognizable image in the Dutch landscape. Thanks to the often vast, flat horizon, it is very easy to spot many different birds. For the most familiar little birds we encounter around our homes or in our gardens we have recreated our Forest Birds collection. Just cozy little whistlers sitting together in a row and showing off their beautifully colored feathers. Alternate the wall plates with other porcelain wall decorations, such as the 3D wall birds. This trend from the Art Deco heyday in Paris, is making a resurgence today and has once again become a beloved decoration for the wall.

Miniature animals of the farm
"There is a horse in the hallway. Yes yes yes a horse in the hallway...." A famous Dutch song by one of our comedians. Just bring the farm animals into your home, why not! With our hand-painted miniature animals in Delft blue you can bring those cozy farm animals into your home without all the mess that real animals entail. No hassle with straw, food and droppings. Place the porcelain animal figurines next to a few plant pots, picture frames, in a corner on the windowsill or on a nice wall shelf. Pick your favorite animal or make a cozy animal gang and put them all in a group next to each other.

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