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Christmas is the time of the year in which we give extra time and attention to the people we love. We want to be together, eat together, enjoy the holidays together and open up Christmas gifts together. Discover which Christmas gift would really surprise your loved one this year!

The tradition of the Christmas gift

The Christmas present is part of Christmas. That has been the case for years, but why? Is it just another invention by commercial institutions to generate more turnover during the festive months? The answer is no. The tradition of the Christmas gift goes back centuries, to the year 336 when December 25 was established as the day baby Jesus was born. According to the Bible story, his first visitors were three wise men who came to bring gifts. This event coincides with a fourth-century Christian bishop known as a gift giver, Mr. Saint Nicholas. Over the years, the tradition has grown into what we know it as today: the Christmas presents under the Christmas tree that can be unwrapped on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. The custom of giving each other a Christmas gift grew in countries that were originally Christian and so the custom slowly spread to other countries.

How many Christmas gifts for Christmas?

Some Christmas trees are littered with Christmas gifts, while in other households they choose to give one beautiful Christmas gift. According to the original idea, twelve Christmas gifts are given during the Christmas season. One Christmas gift for every day of the Christmas season. Another custom is to give a Christmas gift on Christmas Day and a second Christmas gift to follow on Twelfth Night, the first and last days of the Christmas season. The well-known Christmas song '12 Days of Christmas' also describes the twelve days of Christmas and the Christmas gifts that are given on those days. Strangely enough, these Christmas gifts are mainly birds and people, but the unusual Christmas gifts of course have a deeper meaning. The Christmas song about the twelve Christmas presents was originally a children's game from the 17th and 18th centuries, where you had to give away a piece of candy if you made a mistake in the text. All the special Christmas gifts in the song were birds that were eaten during Christmas dinner at that time and the actions of the people featured in the song were actions to prepare the Christmas dinner. So basically the 12 Days of Christmas is about preparing for a wonderful Christmas, a time to be together and enjoy with the people you love. How many Christmas gifts are given is not important at all.

How to pick a good Christmas gift

It is not always that easy to choose a good Christmas gift. Some people are incredibly difficult to shop for, while others are thrilled with everything! The most useful thing, of course, is if someone takes the trouble to make a wish list with nice Christmas gifts that they really want. If someone has not made a wish list, pay attention during the weeks before Christmas to see if there are items that they find nice, beautiful or useful. They may not even realize it themselves, but they can still give you a good hint for their Christmas gift. The best Christmas gift is of course something they have wanted for a long time. A Christmas gift that has been saved for for a long time or is difficult to find. This greatly increases the level of surprise! A Christmas gift is also more fun when it is something that someone does not necessarily need, but a luxury item. A treat. Something that many people often no longer have time to do with the ever-increasing fixed costs: simply buy something nice for themselves.

Buy a Christmas present

Have you managed to obtain a wish list or have you heard what someone would like to receive? Then determine how much money you want or can spend on it. Shopping in the pleasantly decorated shopping streets and illuminated shops is of course great fun. The store staff can help you choose the Christmas gift that suits your search and they can also wrap it beautifully and festively for you. This way, the Christmas present is immediately ready to be placed under the Christmas tree. If you don't feel like diving into the busy shopping streets or braving the chilly wind and rain, you can just as easily shop online in the webshop. What is extra useful is that you can search in a targeted manner and therefore only see relevant products. You can also indicate the maximum amount, so those nice, overpriced Christmas gifts fall outside the search criteria and are not shown. This way you won't be tempted to buy a Christmas present that is actually very nice, but falls outside your budget. Most online orders are delivered to your home very quickly and a packing service is often also available. Your perfectly wrapped Christmas gift delivered straight to your home. Ideal!

Christmas gifts for him and her

Shopping for Christmas gifts for a man or a woman can sometimes be quite difficult, especially without a wish list. Fortunately, stores are increasingly trying to be customer-friendly by tailoring the collections as much as possible to the right target group. For example, categories have often already been created with Christmas gifts for him or Christmas gifts for her, which will give you new ideas. The typical Christmas gifts for men or women have been shifting for years. While men used to mainly receive Christmas gifts such as clothing or an electronic gadget, nowadays typical Christmas gifts for men have become a lot more versatile. They also appreciate beautiful tableware, a personalized mug or special home decoration for their home. Christmas gifts for women, on the other hand, have changed little. They still enjoy Christmas gifts such as delicious home perfumes, beautiful gadgets for the home or jewelry. If you still find it difficult to choose something, complete Christmas gift packages are a great choice. Choose a theme that appeals to you and you will receive a completely festively wrapped Christmas package full of nice Christmas gifts.

Personalized Christmas gifts

Sometimes you want to give a really special Christmas gift to someone you love. Maybe that person has had a tough year or something very special has happened, such as a wedding or a birth. Then it's nice to give a Christmas gift that is just a little more personal than usual. Then take a look at personalized Christmas gifts that are handmade especially for you. Consider, for example, the typical Dutch tradition of giving each other a hand-painted wall plate as a gift for special life events. Delft blue painting is an age-old craft that is only passed on from master painter to student painter and it takes years before someone masters the typical art of painting. The porcelain plates have been painted for generations with the names of a bridal couple or the newborn baby, along with the important date. It is also possible to have a completely new design made, for example in the form of a personalized vase or a tea light holder with a company logo on it. There are a lot of options when it comes to personalized Christmas gifts.

Special moments: give a Christmas gift

Whether you have chosen a large or small Christmas gift, something of great value or just a nice little something... and whether you have followed the twelve Christmas gifts of Christmas or completely deviated from the original tradition, the best part of a Christmas gift is the moment of unpacking. Wrap your Christmas gift festively, because the wrapping alone is part of the experience. The more beautifully wrapped, the greater the enthusiasm when unpacking the Christmas present. So if you have chosen something special, be sure to spend some time wrapping your gift beautifully. Then choose the right time to give your Christmas gift. Do you put it under the Christmas tree, so that you don't immediately hand it over yourself, or do you give it as a Christmas gift during the Christmas dinner in front of everyone? Or would you rather choose a more intimate moment to give your Christmas gift? See which setting best suits the type of Christmas gift you are giving and choose the right moment. Some gifts require an unpacking moment without onlookers, while other more playful Christmas gifts are better received when a whole group is sitting around the table.

Christmas gifts and secret Santa

If you don't like the tradition of giving Christmas gifts at all and you hate shopping for everyone who expects a gift, then drawing lots is a nice option. Agree with an entire group that you will not buy Christmas gifts for everyone that year, but that you will draw lots. You only have to arrange a Christmas gift for one person, without anyone else feeling overlooked. This will save you enormously in costs, but also in the time and energy you have to invest. When drawing a ticket, also called Secret Santa, you keep the name on your ticket secret. Everyone adds a small wish list to their name and all you have to do is buy the Christmas gift you want. In addition, it is a fun way to celebrate Christmas by unpacking the presents together and guessing who your Secret Santa was.

Do you still need to decorate your Christmas tree? Shop your Christmas baubles here!

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